Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Hey Lets Go!

Hello. My name is Charlotte, I'm 22 years old and live in Lancashire in the north west of England. This first post will only be very short as its now 12:30am and I have to get up for work in the morning.

At first I tried to put my finger on one single theme for this blog, but I couldn't choose something, so I'm just going to play it by ear for now. I have a good many different hobbies and interests, but my favourite thing in the whole wide world (bar family and friends and all that crap) is film..so that narrows it down a bit.

My favourite three things about film are:

1. The horror genre
2. The films of Wes Anderson
3. Films produced by Studio Ghibli

And since I've been in a Ghibli-ish mood lately, that's what I'm gonna concentrate on for now.

So in the next post, expect some general chat and info about Studio Ghibli. Until then..

Much love,


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